Case Study

AutoPorter wanted to make a big splash and launch their product with a strong brand aesthetic that would make them look and feel like an established company even though they were startup.  By entering a competitive travel trucking tech sector, they faced some some unique challenges, including the special task of introducing new technology to a sector with old processes, old companies, and even older service providers. 

To prepare for the project, the iLaunchLabs team first completed a thorough competitive analysis and overall market assessment. With this knowledge in hand, we brought the customer up to speed on the market dynamics and key players in the space. We created a style guide that visually set them apart and defined their brand image and messaging. Our goal was to tell their story and set them up to compete with the established service providers. We created an initial UX/UI design and user investigation that also laid the framework for our design and development of their responsive website app.

Following a successful launch, the iLaunchLabs team has already been commissioned by the executive team to manage the search engine optimization (SEO) process, integrate google analytics, and perform monthly website maintenance.

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Logo Design

Style Guide

Web App & Site Development

Competitive Analysis


Autoporter Case Study Logos

Style Guide


Competitive Analysis